Do Tell is a perfect tool for Therapists

Some of the most challenging aspects of therapy are helping a client change negative behaviors, speak out in his/her own true voice and become more authentic.

Do Tell for Education and Therapists

Do Tell can be used as a powerful therapeutic tool. It is designed to level the psychological playing field by inspiring openness, laughter, thoughtfulness and insight. Do Tell encourages people to express who they are with greater ease and confidence.

Specific cards can be chosen to jump start individual, couples or group sessions. Following are a few examples: DO: Ask for something non-verbally. TELL: What is the most challenging thing you’ve ever done or attempted? What did you learn about yourself? RISK: What do you judge most in people? BONUS: Tell what you judge most in yourself.

You can also give your clients Do Tell homework. In workshops or retreats, try it out to encourage intimacy and connection.

Resources: Please take a moment to read the following testimonials about Do Tell. Every therapist or counselor should have a copy of Do Tell on hand.