Reseller and Reseller Agent Resale Policies

  • Do Tell management has the right to alter the quantities, pricing, or customer payments schedule of the Sales Orders presented by the any agent or reseller prior to final acceptance of the order. If any changes are made, the order will be returned to the agent or reseller or confirmation of the changes.
  • Do Tell Enterprises can refuse to accept any orders from any prospective reseller or agent or targeted customer, or from any present customer who is re-ordering products, based upon the perceived potential for conflict with the master channel marketing plan. If any changes are made, the order will be returned to the agent or reseller or confirmation of the changes. The Reseller or Agent may assist in creating a working sales agreement with Do Tell Enterprises to resolve this conflict.
  • Restricted Markets and Sales Channels: The Reseller or Agent acknowledges that Do Tell Enterprises is always creating new products for new markets, and Do Tell Enterprises is already creating sales thru its internet retail channel The Principal and Do Tell Enterprises are not going to approve new customers who sales actions and/or policies conflict with the master marketing plan of Do Tell.
  • Permission to Sell Do Tell games via and/or thru internet channels or websites or web-stores is by a Seperate Application and Agreement process. For a full update on our policies, please contact Geoff LaPlace at the Do Tell home offices.

Do Tell Enterprises is interested in
helping our retailers sell more games and in so doing,
helping more Families and Couples and Singles
"Laugh-Relate-Connect" to a better happier life.

  • For questions, feedback or elaboration on our policies and how we can help you, please contact us by phone or web form.