Videos of Players 16+ in age Playing Do Tell Original Version
Do Tell is Fun for Everyone
(videos can be seen on Consumer side of website)

Watch Videos of Do Tell Players playing the game with both
Do and Tell and Risk Cards with the special Mirror Space

video of person playing do tell game at ge-together party
video of woman being a chicken playing Do Tell Relationship game
video of man showing hidden talent playing Do Tell relationship game video of two women singing Hungarian gypsy song from their childhood
RISK "Something you would never do in public".
DO "Beat your chest
like a gorilla".
DO "Be a chicken"
RISK "Show a hidden talent"
DO "Sing a favorite song from your childhood"
video of man acting carefree
video of woman acting out something hanging from her nose
video of talking about what irritates him about his roommate shake your booty video by playing the do card

DO "Without telling anyone what you're doing, act Carefree"

DO "There's something hanging from your nose"
DO "You're late for an important date"
TELL "What's something you do that irritates your roommate?"
DO "Shake your booty"
video of the telling the naughtiest thing with a do tell card video of woman acting like a dj    
TELL "What's the naughtiest thing..."
DO "You are a dj"