Recommended Resource Review

by Christina McGhee, Founder of "Divorce and Children"

Christina McGhee reviews Do Tell Games helping divorced familiesTo put the game to the test, my children and I played several rounds of Do Tell as a family and with friends. Across the board, it was a huge hit every single time. Our family has even discussed purchasing additional games to give as gifts since we’ve received several requests from other families to borrow it.

This high-quality game immediately engages both children and adults alike with its enchanting design and beautifully bold colors. To keep the focus where it should be, Do Tell utilizes simple straightforward rules with just the right amount of risk and opportunity to keep your children’s interest level high. From beginning to end, players continue to be captivated...

Do Tell helps divorced kids connect by Parenting Apart While the amount of time moms and dads are spending with children is on the upswing, building in quality can be a real struggle. Estimates reflect that the average parent typically spends less than 6 minutes per day engaging in meaningful conversation with their kids...

As a parent, “Do Tell” gave me a one of a kind opportunity to better understand my children’s perspectives on a wide range of important topics such as personal values, ethical dilemmas, self-image and family issues.

Perhaps the most rewarding aspect of the game was revealed when my eleven-year old daughter told me what she liked most about Do Tell. She said, “Hearing other people’s answers was really fun, but what I liked most about the game was it taught me things about myself. A lot of the questions made me think about things I’d never thought about before.”

Do Tell, adds a whole new dimension to family game night. A fabulously creative and charming resource!

Resources: Author Christina McGhee, is an internationally Do Tell helps children in divorceacclaimed speaker, authorand parent educator who has devoted her career to radicallychanging how families experience divorce. or

Deeper communication for Couples Counseling

The part of Do Tell I find the most helpful is the way the questions are structured. Each question has more than one layer to it and they are meant to elicit answers from a deeper level.

I use various questions from the game for different situations during couple’s therapy. Even though couples come in with issues that they plan to work on, I observe various amounts of fear of exposure by each partner. There are also many situations in which one or both partner will shut down and find it difficult to bring an issue into the room.

The questions are structured enough so as to add the needed safety with an actual process. This provides each with an opportunity to volunteer information that may have been stonewalled to this point.

Even if one partner chooses not to answer a question, this in itself is valuable material to work with. Before sessions I have the option to choose questions from a large selection that would fit the situation at hand, I have one partner shuffle the particular cards and they agree to take turns asking the other.

Another benefit is that it opens up and creates the needed atmosphere to start a dialogue that in many cases is desperately needed for connection.   

The questions and what happens afterwards helps clients engaged and participate in their therapy. I feel Do Tell is an important tool for any therapist, especially those working with couples.

I present it as insightful and an aid to reaching things just out of awareness. Anyone with some curiosity is more than agreeable to exploring what they have trouble talking about.

Since there are so many couples that are stuck or stonewalling during sessions, this helps to move the process forward.

submitted by Dan Connor-Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist



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Teaching tools for Deaf Children

Louise Sattler, founder of "Signing Families" has written the following review about Do Tell, it's learning attributes, and it's applicability for creating fun and sharing in families with deaf children.

Games for Deaf Kids to play with familiesThis game can be used across cultures- such as if played in a home with deaf family members.

DO TELL® is a game with many layers… visually engaging. Lots of fun looking cards with discussion questions… very bright and well laid out board.

Unlike traditional board games, however, DO TELL® is designed to get families to communicate and learn more about each other. As a psychologist- I really liked this aspect: “DO TELL® is a game of discovery. Get current with your family and deepen bonds in the fun and unique ways. Specifically designed to laugh, learn, and related to each other across generations!”

Now here is what I realllllyyyy liked about DO TELL- it is a SMART game. This game makes you think about yourself, others and the whole family as a collective. There is a lot of problem solving in this game- which is a step up from the “WHAT IF” question and answer book I made my kids read with us. Also, this game requires some true academic skills- like reading, verbalSigning Families for the Deaf and Do Tell Games for the deaf expression and visual motor skills. AND.. drum roll… this Most importantly- everyone seemed to enjoy it! BRAVO to the creators of DO TELL! This game will bring enjoyment and enlightenment to families for generations to come! Article by: Louise Sattler, School Psychologist and founder of Signing Families for the deaf.

Using Do Tell for Couples Counseling

Initially I wanted to use Do Tell as a game to help couples communicate on deeper levels and have fun while doing so. As I played it with my husband, and then with friends and family, I realized that I loved it myself. It teaches communication without excessive struggle and difficulty and helps people, including myself, remember that connecting with others is a creative and truly satisfying journey.

Couples often come to me with "poor communication" as a key complaint. I realize this often means people have lost touch with how to allow communication and connection to self and others and therefore, to relax into a natural state of satisfying intimacy. It does not have to be drudgery to develop good intimacy and connection. I love the Do and Risk cards for the fun and edge play.

This game touches on many different aspects of connection and intimacy. My husband and I now play it at small gatherings. My couple clients that have played this game have grown closer together just when it looked like there was no way they could see eye to eye. It is amazing how easy it can be to lighten the process of communication. Thank you for this beautiful and fun creative tool for connecting to myself, others and especially for my clients.  This is really a great game.
submitted by Rebecca Connor-Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist


It's hard to imagine that your family could be more entertained playing a game other than this one. Even the box shouts excitement! …

The quality and the richness of the questions asked on the playing cards clearly reflects the time and thought that went into devising this most clever game. …

It's a game that can help your kids do better in school, too. That's because kids with good social-emotional skills tend to do better in all other areas of their lives.

Do Tell wins Kidlutions AwardThe Do Tell Game earns a coveted Kidlutions Preferred Product Award because it just exemplifies what social-emotional development is all about. The question cards (four whole boxes of them: Do, Tell, Wild and Risk) are ingenious at getting family members to open up, to talk and to delve into conversations that help them get to know each other better than they did before the game started. They also help family members to be silly, let go, step on the wild side and share a good belly laugh.

The questions are so well written, that they draw the reader in and make her really think about how she might respond or react to a given situation.

Self-Discovery by playing Do Tell

Playing Do Tell turns personal growth into a fun filled game. Seriously! It provides, like all good therapy, a space for self-discovery where risk and self-revelation can be easily modulated as the player builds trust and self-acceptance. Consider suggesting it to your clients, or playing it yourself! submitted by Jack Gallant RN-C




A Group Counselor tells how
Do Tell creates a supportive environment

As a group counselor, I appreciate this game because it is a useful and intelligent therapeutic tool.

It allows the players to open up in a safe and supportive environment and discover in themselves and each other aspects of their aliveness otherwise hidden in shame or shyness.

Cards can be sorted out for specific groups and provide a more theme-targeted approach. I really think it is a valuable addition for explorative or healing purposes. submitted by Françoise Bourzat, M.A.

Words from a client who has
played Do Tell as suggested by his Therapist

How has playing 'Do Tell' impacted me? Probably the biggest impact has been that I have become more comfortable with revealing things about myself. Before playing with the other couples, I was very anxious and concerned about how I was going to do. After playing with them, hearing their responses and seeing them perform, it made it much easier for me.

I realized that we're all different and there is no right answer or action. The other thing I realized is playing 'Do Tell' created an environment that allowed me to connect with everyone, because of what they revealed about themselves and what I revealed about myself. Playing it is also fun. Others can laugh about what I do or say, and I can laugh about what others do and say. My wife and I have used the cards to initiate conversations, which is a very good way to know her better, and to connect.

After responding to the question on a card, we've gotten into longer conversations about the subject, and I sometimes learn that her view is not what I thought, or her view has influenced my view. submitted by Marvin J., SF

Can there be a family relationship help therapy tool as a consumer social therapy game

One form of family help can be relationship help to the family in the form of a better family communication tool. Do Tell is a game which has some communication and family relationship benefits achievable by simply playing the game as a social game. As one of the possible consumer level family communication therapy tools which might be used for relationship building, Do Tell integrates the fun and lightness of a social game with the connection result often found in other family therapy tools or teenager help tools. Emotional development can be achieved thru better family connection and Do Tell could be a home consumer level tool designed for social fun but possibly achieving better family communication and related family relationship improvement similar to that achieved with other social tools and relationship games.

Is there a social connection emotional development game that might give teenager help

The more important factor may be that by playing a family help social game, the teenager help or teenager relationship help might simply arise out of better safer opportunities to express themselves and be heard. A teenager social development game that lets the teenager emotional development be possibly observed in a normal friendly family atmosphere may better family communication and understanding with the teenager. If this is achieved, it is also while playing a family therapy game in which the teenager may receive support for just being themselves while the parent(s) have a chance to role model in the answering of the questions and “do” cards. When played with larger groups of people, the players tend to relax more and express themselves with enthusiasm.

Click here for details on the "Do Tell Difference" and why we're "the different fun game for relationships".

Do Tell Relationships Stories.

Do Tell is a perfect tool for Therapists

Some of the most challenging aspects of therapy are helping a client change negative behaviors, speak out in his/her own true voice and become more authentic.

Do Tell for Education and Therapists

Do Tell can be used as a powerful therapeutic tool. It is designed to level the psychological playing field by inspiring openness, laughter, thoughtfulness and insight. Do Tell encourages people to express who they are with greater ease and confidence.

Specific cards can be chosen to jump start individual, couples or group sessions. Following are a few examples: DO: Ask for something non-verbally. TELL: What is the most challenging thing you’ve ever done or attempted? What did you learn about yourself? RISK: What do you judge most in people? BONUS: Tell what you judge most in yourself.

You can also give your clients Do Tell homework. In workshops or retreats, try it out to encourage intimacy and connection.

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