Compare Do Tell "game play and philosophy" to other social games.


Do Tell Games
Other Social Games

Types of Cards

Designed to be an exceptional interactive experience to have players both “doing” and “telling”. Answers are given to questions and you either match or judge the other person.

How You Win

Play and connect, share life stories, philosophies and experiences. Learn by listening. There is no judgment or deception. Do a lot of finger-pointing and can make players feel negated. Players are judged by having answers that are deemed the more correct.

Game Play

Roll the dice, move to the space, choose the card, share experiences and have fun. Ask a question, choose among preset answers, judge others on their choices. Is this a good atmosphere to "open up" in?

Family Version: Gender & age

Has fun and interesting questions and actions. The cards are fun to play for everyone and the cards play well with all ages. The game box may say that the age range is for kids 8+ years old, but the questions tend to not be challenging enough for kids over 12, much less parents and grandparents playing with the kids.

Effect on Relationships

Do Tell strives to create and improve interpersonal relations and connections. Can put relationships in question through questions that might intimidate, embarrass or provoke.


Explores questions and situations that people don’t normally venture into, not because they don’t want to, but because they have not been asked these questions. You judge what’s already written or you guess using limited choices. Is as expansive or narrow as what’s written on the cards.


Promotes social and emotional development. Core Educational Values. Do Cards are Full Body expressions. Ah, ...we are still looking.


Do Tell is an all-inclusive and invitational game. A sharing game, not a competitive game. Yes, Competition is what it's about.
Knowledge needed to play
Willingness to share, risk and reveal personal opinions, experiences and beliefs. A number of games require knowledge of trivia, sports and celebrity figures.
Expansion of horizons, embracing diversity, having compassion and understanding, acceptance, love and laughter. The focus of many interactive games can be limiting, making fun of other players and being competitive in a negative way. This may cause loss of potential connection or cause possible alienation.
People want to continue playing because Do Tell is different everytime you play. One round is often enough, especially with parents and other different age/social groups..
Other markets
Marriage and Family Therapists, Educators, Life Coaches, Families with Hearing challenged or deaf members and Home schoolers.