Do Tell VERSION comparison chart to help your store personnel
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Do Tell Family Version
Do Tell Grown-Up 16+ Version
Bonds across generations – kids to kids, kids to parents to grandparents. Family Version designed specifically with kids 8 to 88 in mind - it really is fun for everyone. Enhancing communication and connection, players both listen and express. The Grown-Up Game content is more worldly. Ages 16+ to include College Students and Adults
Creates time for communication, understanding, and cross-generational connection. CLICK HERE for game philosophy Creates space for connection and laughter.
CLICK HERE for game philosophy
Quality Family Time, Family Reunions, grandparent visits Icebreakers, dinner parties, girls get-away, wedding gifts, and ideal for in-home bachelorette parties.
Play Time
45 minutes One hour plus
Age Groups
Ages 8 to 88 - fun for everyone in the family 16+ College Students, Singles Couples & Adults
Do Cards
1 deck – 100 cards. Content different for each version 1 deck – 100 cards. Content different for each version
Tell Cards
1 deck – 100 cards. Content different for each version 1 deck – 100 cards. Content different for each version
Wild Cards
1 deck – 50 cards - cards shake the game up 1 deck – 50 cards - cards shake the game up
Risk Cards
1 deck – 50 cards. Content different for each version 1 deck – 50 cards. Content different for each version
Risk Spicy Cards
N/A Bonus deck of 25 cards Spicy Risk cards - R Rated Mature content. Cards clearly marked with a red chili pepper for quick identification to "use as you choose" or not.
Number of Players
Two to Eight Two to eight – best with three or more
Playing Board
Different Artwork and layout by version Different Artwork and layout by version
Win by sharing life and achievements and listening to others by sharing life and achievements and listening to others
$29.95 MSRP $34.95 MSRP